Friday, November 2, 2012

A myth-breaker on UFO's - Must See

I often wonder what are all the things mankind is yet to understand or explain and i often arrive at the conclusion that they are just that: things we cannot yet explain. UFO's are a classic example of that. The paranormalia of sightings, events and lack of public consideration makes it one of humanity's biggest mysteries. 
The space race, our increased database of knowledge about the universe and our place in it, along with futuristic cultural surges across the globe transforms a simple mystery in a demand for answers, even if they are just the quick-fix to get on with the day, such as good sci fi movie that grabs our attention and makes us wonder rather than think. This documentary from National Geographic Society puts an end to many of the myths around the sightings of UFO's, giving plenty of space for one to draw its own interpretation. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Priceless or Worthless?

Priceless or Worthless is the name of a new book that showcases the top 100 endangered species in the planet. The book was produced by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and aims to "challenge the way we think about nature" as said by one of the book authors, Jonathan Baillie, conservation director at the Zoological Society of London.
The book portrays a radical view of the relationship between humankind and nature introduced by testimonies of a number of personalities, a comprehensive fact sheet of all 100 most endangered species, as well as several "food-for-thought" quotes that aim to light that lost little bulb inside  all of us.

The book is available in print or in a free online edition here.

So what are theses species for you, priceless or worthless?
And most importantly, what are you willing to do about it?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Valley of the Khans Project

It's no news that one of my biggest inspirations in life is National Geographic Society, as it as been probably the biggest source for this blog content. What are news though, is one of their latest projects that goes by the name of "Valley of the Khans". This particular project is a field expedition into remote areas of Mongolia that aims to identify the burial site of the legendary leader, Genghis Khan. However that is not all that there is to it. As always, NGS is a pioneer in our times when it comes to the use of technology towards sustainable development, and in this case, the project team, led by Dr.Albert Yu-Min Li, is trying to use a variety of new technologies that will allow them to exercise non-invasive archaeology, not only to detect the last address of Genghis Khan, but also to identify all possible archaeological interest locations in the region. That is what I fancy about this team, they are not only trying to find the golden goose of their careers by locating Genghis Khan's remains, they are actually trying to document a place that many people forget, and that was once, the largest and most peaceful empire in the world. That is to me world heritage and they certainly have my blessing for helping to discover it.
What caught my eye, was one the technologies they are putting tu use, and that is us, and I actually mean, all of us internet-savvy people. Apparently its called crowd-sourcing and its not new as a tool itself (i keep forgetting about marketing), but it is the first time it is being used in favour of archaeology. How does that work? In this case, all we are asked to do, is to examine satellite imagery and identify geographical references, such as ancient and modern structures, rivers or roads. At the same time, the project team collects the crowd-sourcing input, and evaluates the sites that are most likely to represent places of interest, while a field team heads to such places to investigate.
It is a ground-breaking idea, and it definitely educational one. Just think of all those, like me, that signed up as explorers of this imagery, and found themselves learning indirectly or actually wanting to learn more about the region and its history.
The project page is pretty easy to use, and there is a tutorial video to help you get started, so why not give at a go? 

That is all for now, well done NGS.