Tuesday, October 12, 2010

If you just imagine, good things can happen!

Now, you can look at next video as marketing campaign, you can judge, you can criticize, you can say it doesn't change a thing in the world. Maybe not for you. 
How many small events have made you take a 180º spin in your life? Or at least in your mind?
Let's not forget we are all human beings here, even "they". "They", that unknown entity that everybody says, everybody talks...
Now, as I said, you can look at it in many perspectives. The way I see it, for one time, "they" actually sing along with the rest of us. Even if he was just a middle age man, blushing with the embarrassment of being on the stage to sing, and forget the lyrics, he sang along. Maybe, and you will never know, for these children and these audience in this place, in this moment, it made a difference.

This video is from a show given for Shimon Pere's 80th birthday. Former USA President, Bill Clinton sings the song "Imagine" by John Lennon, along with Israeli 16-year-old phenomena singer, Liel and 40 Arab and 40 Israeli children.

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