Sunday, August 12, 2012

If you are Richard Branson, you can do almost everything!

I don't know about you, but I fear the future of humankind has been hanging by a thread for quite some time now. Why? Let's see, population is increasing, cities are becoming overcrowded, quality of life is deeply diminishing, our natural resources are either scarce or poisoned, climate change is causing more and more natural disasters, solar flares and its impact are just around the corner, and technology well, is replacing life as we know it before we even have time to realise and digest its impact. These are just a few of my reasoning but to me the future is not bright at all.
However, I've always wondered weather the destruction of our lovely Earth could be replaced by our out of Earth exploration. And the answer was always "Yes, definitely but someday, say  20 to 50 years"

To my great surprise and sock, I'm still jaw dropped about it, that particular insight about the future is literally around the corner.
Not only, we are starting to gain unbelievable knowledge about the outer space and the formation of the universe, but also, commercial exploration is about to start.
NASA terminated the Shuttle program and is about to start launching revolutionary types of spacial aircraft, some of which will be used to launch their brand new commercial program, which will enable for commercial aircraft to be used privately. Anyhow, that's not the big news as it will still take NASA some time to activate the program.
The pioneers on spacial commercial exploration are Sir Richard Branson plus its galactic executive club. The British business guru created Virgin Galactic a few years ago, and he's gathering bookings to soon enough launch the first ever spacial commercial flight. As far as my research went, there is no date announced yet, but all information leads me to believe it will be in one year time window. The spaceport in Mojave Desert (USA) has been built, brand-new aircrafts have been completed and so far all testing has been successful. Virgin Galactic is taking bookings starting at 200.000$ and planning on further accessible pricing.

If I ever get hold of 200 grand I will surely book my place and tell you guys all about it. If you want to help in this and other ventures, start by supporting this blog, via the donate button on the side bar.

Space Tickets, A Journey of a Lifetime into Space.  - Virgin Galactic
The "Spaceport America"
Credit to Virgin Galactic

Photograph by Mark Greenberg
Sir Richard Branson
Credit to Virgin Galactic/Mark Greenberg

Further readings:
NASA Cmmercial Crew Program
Virgin Galactic

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